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Abuse, compounded by racism, continued, but Chacaby found supports to help herself and others. At twenty, Chacaby moved to Thunder Bay with her children to escape an abusive marriage. She also suffered physical and sexual abuse by different adults, and in her teen years became alcoholic herself. As a child, Chacaby learned spiritual and cultural traditions from her Cree grandmother and trapping, hunting, and bush survival skills from her Ojibwa stepfather. From her early, often harrowing memories of life and abuse in a remote Ojibwa community riven by poverty and alcoholism, Chacaby's story is one of enduring and ultimately overcoming the social, economic, and health legacies of colonialism. A Two-Spirit Journey is Ma-Nee Chacaby's extraordinary account of her life as an Ojibwa-Cree lesbian. A compelling, harrowing, but ultimately uplifting story of resilience and self-discovery.

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