Adonis gay bar nyc

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& Sutton Pl.) (212) 935-9100įrench bistro in a tri-level townhouse featuring a sky-lighted mezzanine, and an outdoor terrace Restaurant & bar in an historic three-story town houseīistro Vendome: 405 E. Kitchen & bar room serving classic American fare, NY local craft beers & hand-crafted cocktailsĪva Sushi Lounge: 1047 Second Ave. Michelin star rated Swedish restaurant serving seasonal Nordic cuisine.Ītwood Kitchen & Bar Room: 986 Second Ave. Steakhouse by chef Marc Forgione at the Lombardy HotelĪquavit: 65 E. Lebanese fine dining featuring a subterranean cocktail loungeĪmerican Cut: 109 E. 50s of New York City: East Side Bars: the Bars of the E. In our continuous efforts to “connect the fun to the fun people” we present our list of the bars in the E. The east side of Manhattan is home to many office buildings, but also includes the residential neighborhoods of Turtle Bay and Sutton Place.

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